Clinical Dentistry
Clinical Dentistry


Clinical Dentistry


Clinical Dentistry is standard dental treatment (X-rays, fillings, tooth extractions, dental crowns, etc.) performed in ambulatory settings with the child asleep. The patient is being placed under general anesthesia and continuously monitored by on staff anesthesiologist throughout the treatment and recovery stages. This enables the pediatric dentist to complete the dental work under more ideal circumstances and helps prevent complications related to the development of a lifelong anxiety of dental treatment.

There are number of reasons why clinical dentistry may be suggested for your child.

  • Some patients, due to their young age and excessive fear cannot cope with conventional dental treatment. Their anxiety causes them a tremendous amount of stress.
  • Kids who require extensive tooth restorations and children with special needs are also good candidates for this type of procedure.

In particular children with special needs are very susceptible to develop gum disease, tooth decay, and oral trauma. Others kids need certain diet or medications which could be detrimental to dental health. Our doctors and hygienists will work together with you in order to coordinate a preventive regiment program for your child. Without a doubt oral disease is preventable, and if dental diagnosis and prevention are started early and followed consistently, every child can enjoy a healthy smile.

PS: If following a consultation the extent of your child’s dental problems found to be significant and clinical dentistry under general anesthesia has been recommended to restore your child’s health, please download the following: