Every tooth contains what’s called a pulp which is right in the central part of the tooth so it’s not actually visible. The pulp consists of nerves, tissue and blood vessels. In a developing tooth these work to deliver essential nutrients and oxygen to the tooth. In an adult tooth, the pulp isn’t strictly necessary as it’s done its job. Unfortunately, even though it’s right in the center it’s possible for the pulp to become damaged and in children this is often due to tooth decay or a traumatic injury that exposes the pulp. This can lead to inflammation and infection and a great deal of discomfort.
Infected Pulp Signs – Kids Dentistry NJ
If this occurs, our pediatric dentists may suggest a child has pulp therapy. You may hear this treatment being called a number of different names which include a pulpectomy (endodontic therapy), a pulpotomy, a root canal or a baby root canal. We can carry out this type of treatment on primary or milk teeth and on permanent teeth to save them from tooth extraction. Even though a child’s milk teeth are eventually lost, they are necessary for a kid to learn how to speak properly, they aid eating and they also help guide the permanent teeth into the correct positions.
So what are the signs that a pulp has become injured or infected? The most obvious sign is pain, so if your child starts complaining about toothache then book an appointment so they can see our best pediatric dentist NJ. Other signs include unexplained sensitivity to cold or hot food and if you look at the affected tooth then the gum around it may appear swollen or red. It’s possible the infected tooth may even become loose.
Save Kid’s Tooth With a Pulp Therapy
When a child comes in to see us then we can assess them more fully. Our decision will be based on the age of the kid, the position of the tooth and a child’s general health. One of the decisions we need to make is whether to try to save the tooth with pulp therapy or if it might be better to extract it. If the affected tooth is a milk tooth and it’s likely the permanent tooth will come through quite soon, then it may be a better option just to extract it. However we don’t want to remove a milk tooth too soon as this can have less than desirable consequences. This is because their remaining teeth will soon move position to try to fill in the gap and this can affect the way ta kid’s jaw develops, their bite and the position of the permanent teeth when they eventually come through. If there isn’t sufficient space then they are far more likely to come through crooked or rotated and may need orthodontics to correct them.
Kids Root Canal Treatment, Jersey City or Cliffside Park
If pulp therapy is necessary then we’ll use dental x-rays to evaluate the extent of the infection as this will determine treatment. Sometimes we can just remove the pulp which is in the crown of the tooth, leaving the root canals that extend into the tooth roots untouched. Afterwards the tooth can be restored with a crown. If the infection is more severe, we may clean out the root canals well, before restoring the tooth with a crown.