Babies begin teething around the age of six months but their first teeth can appear any time from three months to age one. These first teeth are called primary teeth or milk teeth and by age 3 your child should have a complete set of 20 primary teeth. The first teeth to come through are usually the lower front teeth. These are followed a month or two afterwards by the upper front teeth which include the lateral incisors. You can visit Pediatric Dental Clinic NJ to check your child teeth: the first molars which are the back teeth will begin to erupt while the last teeth to come through are the eyeteeth or canines which are the pointy ones in the upper jaw. So how will you know if your baby is teething?
Teething Symptoms Can Include…
- Noticing your baby is fussier than normal, possibly because the gums are swollen and sore. The symptoms can begin a few days before the tooth is visible through the gum and they should disappear as soon as the tooth actually erupts. Each child is different and it could be that your baby isn’t affected by teething.
- You might notice your baby bites on their fingers or will bite their toys as this can help relieve the pressure on their gums. A child who is teething may be reluctant to eat if their mouth feels painful.
- Drooling is a very common symptom and it can cause a rash to develop on their chin or face.
Pediatric Dental Clinic NJ: Your Role
There are quite a few things you can do to make your baby’s gums feel more comfortable. The simplest is to lightly rub your baby’s gums with a clean thumb or finger for a couple of minutes at a time. Babies can find this soothing once they have got used to the sensation. Otherwise you can provide a cold teething ring for them to bite down on. It does pay to make sure they have a variety of safe objects to chew on at this time. If necessary you can give your child an over-the-counter pain killer that is suitable for their age group.
Looking after These First Teeth
Dental care is vitally important even at this early age. Although your child’s primary teeth will fall out, tooth decay will make them drop out even sooner leaving problematic gaps before the permanent teeth are ready to erupt. This can result in the remaining primary teeth moving into these gaps, crowding the permanent teeth as they try to come through. As a result the child is more likely to end up with crooked teeth that will require orthodontic treatment Pediatric Dental Clinic NJ to straighten.
As soon as your child gets their first tooth you can begin brushing it with a baby tooth brush using a tiny smear of toothpaste and water. Avoid using too much toothpaste until your child is old enough to be able to spit out the excess, and it’s worth asking your pediatric dentist for more advice on how to clean their teeth properly and with the minimum of fuss. You’ll also need to get them used to flossing early on, as soon as to teeth begin to touch each other and again this is where a pediatric dentist Jersey City can help.
Remember, you can book their very first dental visit at Pediatric Dental Clinic NJ by age one, or soon after that first tiny tooth pokes through their gums.