Mouth breathing is quite common in kids and is often overlooked as being a problem. However it can be caused by facial and dental irregularities or by chronic nasal obstruction. Children don’t often complain about only being able to breathe through their mouth as for them it may be perfectly normal and is all they have ever known. In spite of this, if your child does continually breathe through their mouth, it’s worth asking your pediatric dentist for advice as dental and facial irregularities can often be prevented or minimized through the provision of the correct treatment. So what are some of the signs of mouth breathing in toddlers and kids?
Signs of Mouth Breathing in Toddlers and Kids
- Having a long narrow face
- Having overcrowded teeth and a narrow palate
- Having a continually open mouth, particularly while sleeping
- Continual bad breath
- Snoring
- Sleep apnea
- Seeming as if they cannot get enough sleep or are poorly rested
- Frequently getting minor illnesses such as ear infections or sinus infections or colds
- Their gum tissue may show when smiling
If you do recognize any of these symptoms it is just worth checking with your pediatric dentist NJ to see if your child will benefit from seeing an orthodontist. Children can see an orthodontist from age 6 or seven for an early evaluation NJ. This can be hugely beneficial as a good orthodontist can help direct their facial growth, making the most of the growth spurts that occur as a child gets older. At this stage the bone is often softer and more malleable so it is easier for a narrow upper palate to be expanded, creating more room for teeth that have yet to erupt.
Allergies Treatment or Adenoid Removal Benefits
Often quite straightforward treatments can make the world of difference and may help minimize the risk of a child requiring more extensive and complex orthodontic treatment as a teenager or even as an adult. There are a number of different appliances that might be suggested by an orthodontist to deal with the problems causing mouth breathing and which may be removable or fixed. Sometimes treatment can involve a number of different specialists who will work together to correct more complex problems. These specialists may include Ear, Nose and Throat surgeons and allergists as some children may have untreated allergies or will benefit from having their adenoids removed.
Early Orthodontic Treatment Can Help
Having this type of early orthodontic treatment can help ensure your child grows up with a more pleasing and balanced facial profile, while their adult teeth will have more room so they can erupt normally and are less likely to come through twisted or crooked. Then of course there are the benefits to their health. Getting treatment for mouth breathing can result in children finding it much easier to breathe normally with their mouth closed. This can also improve dental health. A mouth breather is more likely to suffer from dental problems as their mouth will be drier and more prone towards developing tooth decay and gum disease. Having teeth that are straighter will not only improve appearance, but can help reduce the risk of dental problems as straighter teeth are simply easier to keep clean.