Using the right toothpaste can make a real difference to your child’s dental health. There are many different types of toothpastes on the market and some could damage young teeth as they may contain harsh abrasives that will wear away a child’s tooth enamel. When choosing your child’s right toothpaste, make sure you pick something that is age appropriate and which is recommended by the American Dental Association as anything with their seal of approval will have undergone extensive testing to make sure it is safe for use.
Fluoride Toothpaste for Your Child
Ask our best pediatric dentists in NJ if they recommend using fluoride toothpaste for your child as it’s possible we may suggest using non-fluoridated toothpaste before the age of two and until your kid has the ability to spit out the excess. This is because too much toothpaste can cause a condition called fluorosis. You only need to use a very tiny smear of toothpaste to clean a young baby’s teeth while a pea-sized amount will be plenty for a child aged between three and six. To encourage them to actually use right toothpaste, it can pay to pick a flavor they particularly like and there are plenty of child oriented toothpastes available.
The Right Toothpaste Is Only Part of the Equation
While the correct type of toothpaste is a very important, so is the right type of toothbrush. Make sure you pick a child-sized toothbrush that has a small head and soft bristles. It’s essential that it does have a small head as children only have very small mouths, making an adult sized toothbrush unsuitable. It’s also important to ensure it has soft bristles so it won’t damage your child’s teeth.
Electric Toothbrush for Kids
You may want to purchase an electric toothbrush for them as this can make tooth brushing easier and more fun and it can be a good way to encourage children to get into the habit of brushing regularly (Read more: Fun Tooth Brushing). Another really nice thing about electric toothbrushes is their built-in timer which will tell your child when two minutes are up, as well as alerting them when it’s time to move on to another segment of their mouth. If you prefer that your child uses a manual toothbrush with right toothpaste then they can still get extremely good results provided they use the toothbrush properly. You may want to buy them a special timer to keep in the bathroom just for their use so they know how long they need to brush for as it’s very easy to overestimate.
Regular Routine of Brushing and Flossing
Flossing kid’s teeth is another essential task that needs to be carried out once a day, preferably before your child goes to bed and before or after they have just cleaned their teeth. Flossing can be a difficult technique for a young child to master so you will probably need to help them until they are around age 10. Make sure they have a dental floss that is comfortable for them to use and which fits easily in between their teeth without being forced. It’s possible you may need to experiment with several different types before you find a dental floss and right toothpaste that will suit them.
Getting your kid into a regular routine of brushing and flossing as soon as you can will pay huge dividends later on. With good dental care in NJ they have a much better chance of entering adulthood with healthy, strong teeth and gums.