Toothache is a common childhood problem and can be caused due to untreated tooth decay, where a tooth has become infected, or it might be down to some sort of dental trauma which has damaged the tooth. Sometimes a piece of food will become stuck in between the teeth and this is enough to move the tooth out of position, causing pain. Toothache in Kids can also be caused by wisdom tooth problems or may be associated with sinus issues.

If your child has a sinus infection then it is possible for any nearby tooth roots to be affected and this can cause pain when biting down on the tooth. Sinus toothache relief can be obtained by taking your child to see their pediatrician so the infection can be treated. We can assess wisdom teeth and will provide the appropriate treatment which is likely to mean extracting the offending wisdom tooth to relieve toothache.

Dealing with Mild Toothache Symptoms

If your child has mild toothache then you can treat the symptoms at home. Quite often toothache is temporary and may be due to a sensitive teeth. In the short term you can give your child appropriate toothache pain relief using over-the-counter medications. Try gently flossing around the affected tooth to see if the pain is due to trapped food. A cool washcloth or ice pack can help relieve any pain in their jaw. If it doesn’t get better within twenty four hours then make an appointment with our pediatric dentist. Another first aid tip for kid’s toothache is to get them to swirl warm salt water around their mouth for a minute as this will help reduce pain and any swelling in the gums.

When to Book an Emergency Appointment with Our Pediatric Dentist

You should contact our dental office immediately if your child develops a fever or if their face appears swollen. Contact us if the pain does not subside after taking pain relief or if you can see a lump around the base of the tooth. It is sometimes possible to see a cavity in a tooth.

see: Emergency Dental Care

Toothache in Kids Due To Pulpitis

Pulpitis is where the tooth pulp becomes inflamed. The pulp consists of nerves and blood vessels and can become inflamed and infected by bacteria in the mouth. Bacterial infection can occur as a result of tooth decay or where the outer layer of the tooth has become damaged, perhaps due to dental trauma. We will need to remove the infected pulp as soon as possible and before the infection can spread and develop into an abscess. An abscessed tooth is much harder to treat and we may have to extract it to clear up the bacterial infection and to prevent it from spreading any further.