Many kids and teenagers wear dental braces to correct overcrowded or crooked teeth. The benefits of orthodontics are
MorePeople often think of gum disease as being an adult disease but unfortunately this isn’t true and it’s
MoreAt this time of year many parents and caregivers are frantically running around trying to get everything their
MoreAs we edge towards the last few weeks of summer, many parents will begin thinking about getting their
MoreSome children may be overly anxious when visiting a pediatric dentist NJ and as a result may be
MoreWe Use Dental X-Rays to Diagnose Problems Dental x-rays are vital for enabling our pediatric dentists to see
MoreBabies begin teething around the age of six months but their first teeth can appear any time from
MoreLots of small children suck their thumbs or fingers as it’s a perfectly normal and appropriate habit that
MoreFluoride treatment is important for protecting a young child’s teeth as it helps to harden tooth enamel, making
MoreTooth decay is very common in kids, and can result in a painful toothache or even a dental