New Patient
New Patient


Welcome to PediatricDental.Clinic

We value your choice, your trust and the opportunity you have given us.

Your first appointment will consist of a Comprehensive Oral Examination, where our clinical team will perform complete diagnostics to assess the state of your child’s oral health.

If necessary, this will assist our Pediatric Dentist to prescribe Comprehensive Restorative Treatment Plan for your child.

For your convenience, new patients can now download and print out the following forms which include: Patient Information, Insurance Information, Consent for Services, Patient Dental History, Patient Health History, Notice of Privacy Practices, Acknowledgement of Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices, Patient Bill of Rights, and Financial Policy.

Please complete these forms prior to your appointment and bring them with you at the time of your first visit. If you have dental insurance you will need to present verification of your coverage such as your current dental insurance card. Some insurance companies require that you call them in order to be assigned to our office so be sure to check with your dental insurance.

We kindly ask that you complete all paperwork and arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment with your forms completed. We may also ask you for a Photo ID to identify you with your insurance information.

If you need to reschedule an appointment, please give us at least a 48 hours notice.

We can be reached at 1-800-980-3930

Thank you


Downloadable Forms:


PC Policies

Acknowledgment appointments

Notice Of Privacy Practices

Patient Rights

PC Appointment Policy