Dental Emergency
Dental Emergency

Dental Emergencies

Your child’s dental health is very important to us, and we offer same-day appointments for any patient in pain.

Emergencies happen, and knowing what to do when one occurs can mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth. That is why it’s important to seek help as soon as possible. We always reserve time in our schedules for emergency patients so be sure to call us and provide as much detail to obtain the same day appointment.*

Many patients find they need an urgent appointment at one time or another. Our dentists and hygienists will do everything they can to ensure that any problems are dealt promptly and efficiently. This applies regardless of whether you are an established private or a new patient.

A simple phone call is all it takes to get seen as soon as possible.

If your child develops a dental problem, including but not limited to tooth pain, infection, or gum swelling and you need to be seen urgently call our emergency hotline at (800) 858-1830

If you’re not sure if your condition is urgent, please be certain: If it hurts, it’s an emergency.

Today, our pediatric dentists have all of the skills, tools and experience for dealing with dental emergencies. There are defined advances in dentistry ranging from precise diagnostics, and pain management to restorative treatments.

Pain is one of the reasons children need to see a dentist as soon as possible. This toothache in kids for example can be triggered by both hot or cold foods and drinks. Extreme biting or teeth grinding may break a tooth and cause it to hurt when your child chews. The same is true of a lost filling or crown, which may cause a throbbing kind of ache. In most cases we can decrease or get rid of your child’s pain altogether within minutes. Even if there are no symptoms or the pain is minor, the tooth has already lost its support and it could easily become damaged of infected. Parts of the tooth could break off or crumble, consequently requiring more extensive type of treatment.

Any injury to mouth and teeth should not be ignored, as tissues, nerves or blood vessels could be damaged. There is also a severe risk of getting an infection, which if not treated promptly, can spread to other parts of the head and neck and cause serious health problems, or even life threatening. It is extremely important to always seek immediate treatment.

* If the emergency takes place on Weekends or outside of our regular working hours, visit your local emergency room, or hospital for help.